Do I have to fill out a parent form and will my child automatically get tested if I do?
● Testing is based on three components: -
○ Teacher observation through the Kingore Inventory
○ Student performance in the classroom
○ Parent Input is considered.
● A parent input form by itself will not necessarily include the child for testing, but can be a piece of the process.
Can my child study for the test?
● These tests are meant to measure student’s true raw potential. Make sure your child gets plenty of rest and eats a healthy breakfast.
When will we know the results?
Can my child be retested?
● Students may be retested for TAG every two years.
How long is my child TAG?
● Once a child is identified as TAG, they are TAG for life. There is no need to retest later in the child’s school career.
If my child qualifies for TAG will they go to a special class or be treated differently?
● Once a student is identified as TAG, they will not go to a special class. Teachers will work with parents to develop a TAG plan to differentiate instruction to meet the student’s needs.
How do I make my child TAG?
● A child can be a high achiever, gifted or creative. These are qualities that come with our children and cannot be learned. Try this link to see the differences:
Does my child have to go to Summa if they qualify?
● No, students have many options for middle school and may choose which one will fit them best